
Volker Metzler
"Many thanks for a super competition preparation! Season highlight and conclusion with personal best - what more could you want. Increase to the spring by 15 min!!!"
Heinz Werner Geiger
"For me, tha best thing about your peogramme is that I am fully flexible. If any problems crop up - sickness, lack of time or simply more recovery needed - I can have the schedule recalculated and a replanning is done."
Claudia Bantle
"My experience with 2PEAK is consistently positive. Even though I often have the feeling I don't even train that much, my form is excellent and my races so far have been fantastic."
Siegfried Bodner
"Das Programm ist für mich als nicht "Profi" einfach nur super. Ich trainiere damit heuer das 2. Jahr und bin damit mehr als zufrieden. Meine Leistung wird tatsächlich besser, das bemerken auch schon meine Radsportfreunde. In diesem Jahr verwende ich regelm. den Garmin Edge 500, und die Auswertungen sind wirklich hilfreich."
Stephan Macskovics
"Thank you very much for the support, I have to say that 2PEAK helped me a lot. Without 2PEAK I would never have got the result from past Sunday. "
Dirk Schimmelmann
"The big advantage of your training schedule is that it is dynamic. For professional reasons I can't stick to most of the fixed plans you can get. All I do is tell you when I can manage what and then the schedule gets re-calculated. The intensity, recovery and endurance phases are still taken into account. This is the best thing I have seen so far. to be able to use the precious spare time as effectively as possible...."
Rainer Stadler
"Your training calculation, I have say, is a superb service."
Harald Grüner
"Since I love my training and I had great results with it (improvements of 40%!) thanks to this traininplan, I wish of course to extend my subscription."
Peter Mantsch
"I'm staying with 2PEAK!"
Martin Brezina
"Still and even more so recently, an ingenious training program, that is still peerless."
Heinz Neumeier
"I've been talking to a lot of my colleagues from my club. They have been using ****** or a training plan from ******. These can't be compared with you. The main benefits of 2PEAK in my opinion: The dynamic training. The documentation (with the icons, coloured training areas and short summaries very clear for triathlon). The Analysis (super). The method with the separate phases. Small things such as being able to specify days where you have more time etc. The user can tune the programme to his own needs (training days, time spent etc.) which can't be done with the other training companies. Lastly I like your tools, with the performance tests. It is all top class."
Cesare Trabattoni
"2PEAK has really helped me to get better without having trained any more kilometers."
Andreas Förster
"I just wish to say thank you for the support! Since I work with your trainingplan it's going much better. I won a TT in may after 5 weeks of injuries and illness... and since I use the nutrition plan, I can now ride longer hours free from digestion issues. Even the Ötztaler marathon went very well the first time."
Heiko Vögeli
"After a week of intensive testing trough rain, snow (Oberalp Pass) and sunshine, I can only say good things about your apparel line. Top quality and very well fitting. So comfortable that I'm thinking of pensioning off my Assos and Pearl Izumi pieces."
Bernard Titre
"I am happy with 2PEAK, it give me the guidelines I need. And judging from my results, it works... Thank you!"
Christa Suter
"I am a big fan of your training program. I find the system very motivating and varied."
Dr. med B.R.
"With regards to 2PEAK I do not need to have a bad conscience when I let a workout go in favor of a family gathering. Since the plan will then take it into account for the next day when I log it. Also my data gets analyzed objectively and the plan suggest the ideal adjustment based on whether I spent too much or took it too easy in my previous workouts."
Georg Schreyer
"Excellent, the synchronization with Google Calendar, perfect! "
Moritz Puchinger
"This plan really adapts to my life which makes it worth my money!"
Till Maier-Staud
"I really like to train with your training plan, it is a great support, help and motivation for me. You do well and please keep it up."
Tepi Sorjonen
"Thanks for this season, I've achieved a lot improvement with 2PEAK."
Dr. med B.R.
"2PEAK is unbeatable. It has a few important advantages compared to traditional coaching. I can not imagine a coach, who will recalculate a new plan every time as it is done in the program, which would be much too demanding. A normal coach would also not be able to include the magnitude of data that 2PEAK dissects precisely when re-calculating my plan."
Ulrike Menning
"Thank you very much for the outstanding work. Compared with other years I train less volume and feel in better shape. The trainingplan from 2PEAK is fun and motivates me a lot. "
Martin Brezina
"With your training plan, I actually managed a new best time yesterday, which seemed unattainable to me until now. Especially the last phase before the competition was very new for me in this way, and it has paid off completely. So many thanks!!!"
Lassmann Wilfried
"This training plan with his variably options (time- job) i would qualify as absolutely "TOP". As it stands, my improvements are measurable. "
Clemens von Willich
"I really like how the program always adjusts to new situation, also that you can determine about the regeneration period after an illness. This makes the daily reminders to the bastard much more effective."
Andreas Nembrini
"I am very satisfied with your tool. Since I train according to it I feel I feel healthier and thanks to the successes I have more fun with exercising again. Keep up the good work, I for one stay with it."
Mathias Hausherr
"Super. This is what i call service! Fast, pragmatic and personal! Many thanks!"
Thomas Röhling
"Seit 2 Jahren trainiere ich nun ganz konsequent nach Eurem Plan und habe in diesem Jahr,nachdem ich im letzten verletzungsbedingt nicht teilnehmen konnte,meine persönliche Bestzeit beim Ötztaler um eine knappe halbe Stund e auf 9:33 verbessern können.ich haette nicht gedacht,dass in meinem Alter(62) eine solche Steigerung noch möglich sei.Also ich bin von dem Sytem 100 prozentig überzeugt."
Kurt Lindermueller
"I want to say thank you! Thanks to your trainingplan and my performance I got second. I want to continue to work with you: I have complete confidence and will enthusiastically recommend you."
Deverell Smith
"I just finished my last race of the season on Saturday. I ended my first season with a personal best, 3rd place. 2PEAK has helped me to achieve the highest level of fitness in my life."
Thomas Gross
"I am very happy with 2PEAK, using it is fun, improves my performance and adds a lot of motivation!"
Christian Redtenbacher
"I will certainly use your service longer. But I can not recommend you (I need to keep a small advantage) otherwise my riding buddies will improve too."
Lüder Neugebauer
"Thanks to your training programme although I was done for by the end of the season, I reached my main aims clearly, with some (for me) very good results"
Filipe Campêlo
"Love the new time zone compensation. It REALY works! As a long haul airline pilot my thank you, thank you, thank you! You keep up like this and I'll be your costumer for as long as I have 2 legs"
Wilfried Bürge
"I think the system is really good. Even with 20 years of experience it brings new structure into my training. And it often tempers my excessive zeal."
Christoph Jertrum
"Thanks a lot for everything, I had a fantastic race, and in only 1.5 months I improved my time by 22 minutes......!!!!!!!"
Dr. med B.R.
"I feel I am perfectly ready for my main race. Without the plan, I would not have had the nerve to recover so well before the race. This way I got to the starting line fresh and with my energy storage filled to bursting. "
Tim Scheffmann
"The support is first class"
Felix Prinz
"I do not know another training system, which allows someone with an almost 60 hours a week work schedule such a flexible but still efficient plan."
Roland Vöhringer
"I am impressed how well the recovery curve matches my own impression"

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